From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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Engaging and nurturing business audiences with social media

Engaging and nurturing business audiences with social media

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

Engaging and nurturing business audiences with social media

- [Instructor] "Engaging and Nurturing Business Audiences "with Social Media." Let's stick with the four-step AIDA model: awareness, interest, desire, and action. Once a potential customer is aware of your business, your products, and services, once you're on their radar, you need to keep showing up and sharing information that shows you're the go-to experts, the people with the products or services that they need to consider buying. On social media, this is when the links you're sharing in social media posts will drive people to click through to your website for even more detailed information. And this is when you can get involved in discussions and posts and answer questions about being helpful and supportive. Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn are a great place to do this. On Twitter, Tweet chats that are focused around specific topics are also a brilliant way to have online discussions. Many organizations run their…
