From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Building relationships with prospects: Tools and tactics

Building relationships with prospects: Tools and tactics

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

Building relationships with prospects: Tools and tactics


- Okay, so you know who you're trying to attract. You have a clear idea of who your best customer is. Now, how do you find them? Better yet, how do you get them to find you? A full pipeline of potential best customers is a B2B salesperson's dream. In some cases, you get help from the marketing department in the form of lead generation programs designed to attract and nurture relationships, and you may have what's known as an inside sales team who reaches out to prospects, does some initial qualifying, and then schedules meetings for you. But often B2B sales folks have at least some responsibility for finding their own leads. The easiest way to find prospective customers, the gold standard for leads, are warm referrals. These are people who've been recommended to you by mutual friends, colleagues, or other clients. These prospects understand what you do and are inclined to trust you and are at least qualified enough…
