From the course: Becoming a Male Ally at Work

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Emotional support

Emotional support


- One way that emotional labor tends to show up at work is in how we support distressed clients or colleagues. When an employee conflict arises or an angry client's on the phone, too often, women are called in to serve as the emotional cleanup crew. But here's the thing. Women don't have a monopoly on empathy. Cultivating empathy, practicing active listening skills, and learning to deescalate conflict are key leadership skills for all of us to develop. But there's an unfortunately common gender stereotype that assumes women are just naturally better talking through feelings and being of support to others. But let's be real. When you're on deadline and suddenly you're called upon to talk things through with a teary employee or help serve as a sounding board for the boss, all that time and energy it takes can add up quick. Now, many of us are happy to be of support to our colleagues and want to show that we're caring and…
