From the course: Becoming a Male Ally at Work

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How to mentor and sponsor women

How to mentor and sponsor women


- One way that our unconscious bias tends to show up at work is in who we choose to mentor. Even as an entry-level employee, opportunities to help develop the career prospects of those soon-to-be graduates who come up behind us is a key way that we can serve as an ally to others. There's just one catch. We tend to be naturally inclined to helping those who remind us of younger versions of ourselves. And in a world where leadership ranks across every single industry are still dominated by men, this is part of the reason why we don't see more women advancing into leadership positions. Mindfully choosing to mentor and sponsor people who don't share your gender is a great way to foster more diversity in your industry. But in the post Me Too era that we're living in, it's especially important that men approach mentoring women in a way that ensures all parties feel safe. Sadly, some men are choosing to simply not mentor, or even meet with any woman alone in order to avoid the prospect of…
