From the course: Building a Small Business Website with Shopify

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Making a basic content inventory

Making a basic content inventory


- [Instructor] When starting a new website project, I like to create a spreadsheet to use for a site inventory. This is a list of every major item that will go on the website, what it is, how is it organized in relationship to the other content, what does it contain, and is there anything to note about this piece of content? That sort of thing. All of this goes into a spreadsheet and this helps you keep track of everything and note which pieces of content still need to be created or added to the site. Additionally, the inventory will help you think about the architecture of your site, things like which pieces of content make it to a top level menu item, and how will visitors navigate to find other content. This should serve your current content needs but also help you consider how you might expand areas of content in the future. Think of this as your big picture of what's going into your site. What you see here is the…
