From the course: Building an In-House Photo Studio

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Storage solutions for a photo studio

Storage solutions for a photo studio

From the course: Building an In-House Photo Studio

Storage solutions for a photo studio


- Wow, this closet of yours is bigger than my apartment. This is a good-size space. - Yes it is. It's a good storage space. - You had to plan this when you built the building. How did you decide how much storage space you needed? - Basically, we just kept acquiring stuff. One of the reasons we moved out of our other space is the storage space was too small. So we decided that we needed more storage space. We kind of overdid it on the storage space. We've got a grip van that is supposed to park in this area too, but we've outgrown the storage area. So the grip van ends up parked outside now. - It was going to park in here? - Right. So we acquire stuff, and we have clients that store stuff here. Backgrounds, props, whatever it is, end up being stored here for clients, for a specific type of project. So it keeps growing, or people leave stuff. We acquire a bunch of backgrounds to use on different projects and that kind of stuff. - So if you build a space you'll fill it. - Easily, and…
