From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Add behavioral data

Add behavioral data


- [Presenter] Now, I opened this section talking about data as a plural entity, and a key situation in the world of data has been the addition a new type of data, which is generally called behavioral data. So what is this? So first of all, it's a data that's not transactional. So I'd like to make an example with a retail store. Traditionally, if you sold something, you would capture that and you would put it in your relational database because you needed to have a transaction. Was the, well let's just call it we're selling sweaters, was the red sweater sold or was it not sold? You wouldn't capture the fact of if someone looked at a red sweater and decided, hmm, they put purchase it later or they looked at it for a certain period of time and then put it back. You would only capture the transaction. Now behavioral data is designed to capture those activities. In our example about the red sweater, what was the footpath the…
