From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Apply CAP Theorem with NoSQL

Apply CAP Theorem with NoSQL - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Apply CAP Theorem with NoSQL


- [Instructor] So now let's apply the CAP theorem to NoSQL databases. NoSQL databases, we've been discussing, are designed to overcome the limits of scale and of course, having the C or the transactional capabilities slows databases down, so they're generally AP, available and partitionable. And they're designed for the types of data they serve. So whether it's some kind of file or some kind of document or something else. They are created originally by web-scale companies and they are open sourced. Subsequently, they've been commercialized, there's been new types of NoSQL databases created by non-web scale companies, but you can still see the lineage of the Googles, the Facebooks and the LinkedIns in the NoSQL databases that we use today. And they live between files and relational tables. So if we think of what data are today, we think of files and so we think of laptops, file servers, the Hadoop/Spark ecosystem for…
