From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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DataLake NoSQL alternatives

DataLake NoSQL alternatives - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

DataLake NoSQL alternatives


- [Narrator] Now although this course covers NoSQL in my work as an architect, I am often asked to discuss another alternative in terms of big data processing and that is DataLake. So it's really beyond the scope of this course to go deep into it. I do have some other courses in the library on these technologies and I would really encourage you to also include learning about these technologies because increasingly as the volumes of data become very very significant, Data lake becomes a relevant part of an ecosystem that probably will include NoSQL. So although I call this Data lake alternative for the NoSQLmarket I might also say Data lakes plus NoSQL. So a couple of trends that are significant here. The Hadoop ecosystem which is distributed data processing at huge scale has really evolved into in memory via the spark ecosystem. And I would recommend that again, if you're working with file-based solutions that are huge…
