From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Multifunction NoSQL databases

Multifunction NoSQL databases - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Multifunction NoSQL databases


- [Narrator] Continuing on evaluating the evolution of the NoSQL ecosystem, looking a multi functionality is really important. When I first got into this game, many years ago, I would say, all right, I need key value store, so let me pick Redis, I need a document data base, so let me pick MongoDB. Now it's really not that simple, because both MongoDB and Redis can be both. Key value and document and more. So what has really happened is, instead of having 150 different NoSQL databases, we're having maybe five that are relevant. And those five are adding layers of features. Another key set of features is in memory options, for those NoSQL databases that weren't natively in memory. And I think again DynamoDB from Amazon, represents kind of the direction there. Customers are wanting to be able to utilize the memory of whatever hosting environment, so that they can serve up even faster. Enterprise features are key, whether…
