From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Next steps with NoSQL

Next steps with NoSQL


- [Lynn] Pearl Zhu says, "We are moving slowly into "an era where Big Data is the starting point, not the end." Although we are at the end of this course, there are many resources available for you to continue your learning. In particular, because this is cloud-based NoSQL, I want to point you to some resources that I find really valuable on both the GCP and the AWS cloud communities. In addition to the architecture references that I've used and pointed out in this particular course, there are two communities of experts. For Google, it's Google Cloud Developer Expert, and Amazon, it's Amazon Community Hero. So here I am out on the AWS Hero's directory page, and I will point out that relatively new is this category called Data Heroes. And I was proud to be part of the first group that was announced the end of last year for the work on education that I've done globally. But in addition to the work I've done, the people that…
