From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Overcome file system limits including NoSQL

Overcome file system limits including NoSQL - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Overcome file system limits including NoSQL


- [Instructor] So let's consider how NoSQL can overcome file system limits when we work with web scale behavioral data. NoSQL uses proprietary storage methods. And as I previously mentioned, you can think of it sitting on a scale between file servers and relational database systems. Now in addition to working with file systems, of course there is an entire ecosystem designed to work with data which is represented as files at massive scale. And that's the Hadoop/Spark ecosystem. Hadoop/Spark you may know uses its own proprietary file storage system commonly called NTFS or increasingly these days, a new type of storage system which is called a Data Lake. Now I've done a number of courses in the library on the Hadoop/Spark ecosystem and Data Lakes, so you may want to search on those terms if you're interested in understanding more about those use cases. In particular I've done work with genomics or bioinformatic…
