From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Review NoSQL columnar architecture

Review NoSQL columnar architecture - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Review NoSQL columnar architecture


- [Narrator] So now let's look at applying this Cloud Columnar NoSQL services to an architecture. In this case we're going to be building a scalable Ad Tech application and we want to use column stores for both events, which is individual queries and analytics patterns, which is aggregates queries. Via Pub/Sub on the front-end, which is really typical for events or event streams because usually the events come in in streams. Because we're going to actually be working with the Google ecosystem here, we're going to use their middleware product called Dataflow, which is a implementation of open source Apache Beam, which is the distributed data processing platform that many people at Google, and others, worked with. And importantly, we're going to use a NoSQL Column storer multi service back end. So here's Google's reference architecture for this type of solution. You can see the information is being collected in the modern…
