From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Review NoSQL document architecture

Review NoSQL document architecture - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Review NoSQL document architecture


- [Instructor] Let's look now at a reference cloud document, NoSQL Architecture. This one was actually published by Amazon. But interestingly, I'm an advisor to a start up, actually a couple startups, but a startup that built using this pattern. And so it's really interesting to get feedback from a team on how it worked for them. It was their first cloud application. And they recently got funding and launched. So it's been pretty exciting to see their success. So first of all the application Scalable mobile customer application, it's using the events pattern. So the streaming events pattern, and it's using mobile, and it's built on the Amazon ecosystem. So this particular one is using the Cognito serverless user authentication service on the front-end. And important for our discussion in the back-end here we're using a document NoSQL Architecture. So what does this look like ? It's actually amazingly simple. So…
