From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Review NoSQL key-value architecture

Review NoSQL key-value architecture - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Review NoSQL key-value architecture


- [Instructor] So, now that we've seen a cloud key-value NoSQL database, namely Redis, in action, let's talk about where you would use this in the real world by example with an architecture. So for my architectural examples in this course, I've tried to use reference architectures published by Amazon or Google, rather than ones that I created myself for clients. First because my client ones are proprietary and second, one of the nice features of some of these architectures, mostly the Amazon ones, is that they include a CloudFormation template. So, I've put the link here, and if you want to actually just click that template, it will build the architecture so you can actually explore it in more detail. However do be aware, there can be some substantial cloud service charges if you choose to do that. So anyway, this first architecture is a scalable chat app and it uses a pub/sub, or a publisher/subscriber pattern. And I…
