From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Store blockchain entries using NoSQL

Store blockchain entries using NoSQL - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Store blockchain entries using NoSQL


- [Woman] The next type of NoSQL data base is designed to store blockchain data. An example of this is Amazon QLDB or quantum ledger database. It is used to store blockchain event-based data in an immutable or unchangeable journal. Is extremely fast for blockchain event-based queries and easily scalable and it's part of AWS Managed Blockchain which is a set of services. Now it's not required that you use QLDB with Managed Blockchain and there have been some interesting customer scenarios that Amazon has been documenting in their series with (mumbles) traveling around the world, mostly to developing countries, where there's some so interesting uses of QLDB for its immutability. Because it becomes a permanent system of record. However, it can be used and is designed to be used in conjunction with AWS Managed Blockchain services which again were released last November at re: Invent. Now QLDB has a number of concepts which I'm…
