From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Store events on NoSQL

Store events on NoSQL


- [Narrator] In this next section, let's consider this quote, "Data is the new science. "Big Data holds the answers." From Angela Ahrendts from Apple. In this section, we're going to take a look at capturing customer events with NoSQL. A typical type of database that we would select for this type of scenario would be a columnstore. An example of this is Cassandra, which is open-source and it could store customer events. This is that behavioral data that we were talking about earlier in this course. If you're in a store, "Where did you walk in the store?" "What did you look at?" "What did you pick up?" Not necessarily, "What did you buy?" So these behavioral events are stored in what are called irregular, or jagged, or sparse tabular structures. Sometimes they're called matrices 'cause they're multidimensional. And they're used to store ragged datasets. They can be used for just retrieving individual events or for…
