From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Store huge, in-memory lookup lists on NoSQL

Store huge, in-memory lookup lists on NoSQL - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Store huge, in-memory lookup lists on NoSQL


- [Narrator] We're going to consider this quote: "Memory storage is number one. "The Redis data set, composed of defined key-value pairs, "is primarily stored in the computer's memory." This is from The Redis, which is a key-value NoSQL database manifesto. So what would you use a key-value NoSQL database for? You would store huge lists. So key-value stores, such as Redis, there are others, I've worked with one called Aerospike for example. They can store huge lists and as the quote mentioned, the idea is in memory, so very very fast. These lists which are sometimes called dictionaries, are stored in memory by default, but can be figured to be persistent on disk. Of course, there's going to be a very significant performance cost to this, so very often key-value in memory databases are used for what is called hot data, or data that needs to be accessed very frequently in applications, look-ups, for example. So it's also…
