From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Use AWS DocumentDB

Use AWS DocumentDB


- [Instructor] So now we're going to take a look at Mongo on AWS or document database. So if I type mongo, again, I really like the clever search capability here, remember when we typed Cassandra, we got a last to cache, so Amazon's doing a good job with SEO here. So we have a relatively new offering called DocumentDB, and DocumentDB is a MongoDB compatible database service. Now, the cynical among us would say that Amazon is simply trying to basically eliminate all their competitors by creating alternative solutions and I think you wouldn't be wrong in this particular case because, rater than optimize MongoDB for AWS, Amazon has gone the route of creating their own Mongo compatible version, so direct competition. So it's called DocumentDB, I've already made one here, but I'm going to go ahead and click Create and show you what this would look like. It's very much in the vain of the managed NoSQL databases, so you can create a…
