From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

Use cloud services


- [Instructor] In this course, we're going to be working with a number of public cloud services, and there are some best practices for working with those while you're learning. We're going to be working with Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud Platform services. You may choose to use other cloud vendors such as Azure and your process will be slightly different, but these best practices still apply. First, I recommend that you create a dedicated learning account if possible. This way, if you started some services that you don't need for your production business, they're going to be completely separate. Also, if the particular vendor has a free tier, so some of their services can be tried out with no cost, I recommend using that. It's often marked in the console, so you want to take a look when you're starting up services. And if the vendor has the ability to create a cloud budget and an alert, I recommend setting that up; for example, in Amazon, you just go to the cloud budget section and set up the alert to notify you. Usually I use email for that, but you could use a text as well, and I set the threshold to a small amount, usually around $50 US, so that if I forget to turn off a service, for example, I'll get a notification and not a really big cloud bill. And last but not least, it's really important when you're done trying out whatever service you're learning that you turn it off and/or delete the instance when you're done so that you don't have any excessive charges.
