From the course: Cloud NoSQL for SQL Professionals

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Use GCP Firestore

Use GCP Firestore


- [Instructor] Here we are in the GCP console. And we've navigated to cloud firestore. Notice when you go to set up cloud firestore, there's two modes. And this is what I was just reviewing In the previous movie. There is native mode. And there is data store mode. They have two different API's. The scalability is different. App Engine support is different. The maximum right per second limits are different. Real time updates are only available in native mode. And mobile and web client libraries are only available in native mode. So typically, you'll pick this for mobile. In other words, cloud fire store native mode, and you'll pick data store mode for general application. So if I select this, it is a one time one way selection. And I'm going to select a location here. And I'm going to click create database. Now while I'm doing that, I'm going to navigate over to the Firebase web UI, which as I mentioned the previous…
