From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

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Do have a good tone

Do have a good tone


- So what do we want our tone to be? What subconscious message do we want to portray and our prospect to pick up on? Of course it depends product to product but for most business-to-business salespeople, we want it to be assertive, authoritative, direct, confident and value-adding. Imagine what a managing director would sound like speaking to another managing director? It's not weak, it's not trying to sell. It's not constantly asking for permission. They're assumptive in the fact this person they're speaking to will want to hear what they have to say. They're confident that their responses and explanations will get their point across clearly. Not unlike a doctor prescribing medicine. We put all of our trust in doctors because they're so confident in what they're saying based on their knowledge. It's almost throwaway, like it would be weird for you to not believe them. Another example could be a police officer. The…
