From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

Introduction and what’s in this course?

From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

Introduction and what’s in this course?


- When you make a cold call, there's a moment when the prospect answers and everything hangs in the balance. This isn't a gatekeeper, this isn't a colleague, this is the prospect you're trying to reach. And they answer the phone as they do all day, every day. And when it happens, you have to say something. This is a make or break moment. This will dictate the tone for the rest of the call and maybe for the rest of the relationship you'll have with this person. And this moment can be the difference between a great conversation and being hung up on. The difference between a sale and nothing. So what do you say in that moment, and how do you say it? Hi, I'm Miles, and I'm a sales coach. I help people who are both totally new to cold calling and those who've been cold calling for years. I help them achieve more and increase their cold calling success, and this short course is about those first seven seconds of a cold call. It's within those seven seconds that you have that moment of truth and the prospect makes their judgment about you. This seven-second judgment is something ingrained within us in our subconscious. It's just the way our minds work. So in this course, I'll be teaching you the do's and don'ts for that seven-second window. This is not about writing a super tight elevator pitch or a cheat sheet for exactly what to say and in which order. This is about how to present yourself correctly and how to sound like someone the prospect wants to talk to, and also how to win in those all-important seven seconds. We'll go through your tone, having the right mindset, building an immediate connection, being totally transparent, and respecting your prospect and their time. So starting with the don'ts for each area, and then looking at the do's in detail, these are the most common parts of cold calling that people frequently either win or fail in. So let's jump in.
