From the course: Creating a Short Film: 01 Producing

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Examining your failures

Examining your failures


- As part of this training, in each training course I like to make sure it's clear what mistakes I made. It's painful for me to share these failures with such a large audience, but that's really the point of this series. Filmmakers learn most from making mistakes, and the more of my blunders that I can illuminate for you, the more that you don't have to make for yourself. In terms of producing, my biggest mistake was that I did it in the first place. I probably shouldn't have produced this film. It would have been so much better if I would have had help. Some other collaborator that believed in the project and could have handled the mechanical and administrative stuff, so I could focus on the creative stuff. But, I couldn't find anyone interested in doing that. After our first day of shooting, for example, instead of being able to focus on the script and the plan for the next day, which is really important for me personally, I had to finish painting this mural for the set. Once I was…
