From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Having a character arc

Having a character arc


- As we've looked at, the three components of story are our protagonist, an objective, and obstacles. But the best stories also have the protagonist arc, and maybe other characters arc as well. A character arch refers to how a character is changed over the course of the story. It's often even more powerful than the story itself. This is definitely the case with Charles Dickens' The Christmas Carol. The story is, that Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by these that scare him and show him things that cause him to reevaluate his life. But the magic of the story is when he wakes up Christmas day and we see that he is a completely different person. Or look at Luke Skywalker from the original Star Wars trilogy. Now, he starts off as an orphaned farm hand that feels trapped, and by the end he's traveled the galaxy and become a great warrior, found his father and made peace with him. Or my personal favorite arc, the change of heart that George Bailey goes through in It's a Wonderful Life, from…
