From the course: Creating a Short Film: 10 VFX Effects

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Using dust footage to make embers

Using dust footage to make embers


that are kind of moving around, and like as Gallhotten is rising, they're kind of like swirling they look really organic to me naturally, embers just kind of makes the whole thing feel more chaotic and there's like more details and they're moving and shaped in a really organic way. They feel very natural to my eyes. And the way I created a lot of this stuff, well and also in the next tutorial, we're going to cover a little bit more of that too about all of this kind of stuff that just feels like chaos right here. But a lot of this was created by using footage of flour, so what I did is I just got this camera a black background and a little bit of light and I made these little dust particles. This is just flour sprinkled in front of the lens. And its really helpful because these little like bits of flour move in a really organic way As some of them get close to the camera lens, they go out of focus or far away, they go out…
