From the course: Customer Advocacy

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Assessing results

Assessing results


- When you're launching a customer initiative, planning and execution are critical, but so too is measuring results. Here, we'll look at the options you have. Visibility into your initiative's performance helps you assess how well it's advancing your goals. If your goals aren't moving in the right direction performance data can help you get back on track. Just as importantly, if you're advancing your goals performance data can verify what's working and where to perhaps invest additional time and resources. It's a win-win either way. As you build out your approach to customer advocacy you'll want to do two things. First, decide on the measures you'll use to determine success. And then establish a baseline of those measures so that you can quantify progress. In a customer focused organization. The primary goal of your strategic initiatives is to create external advocates, whether by converting them with your products and…
