From the course: Customer Service Strategy (2018)

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Make the required investments

Make the required investments


- Ensuring that your organization is making required investments is the next step in developing your customer service strategy. You won't need to put detailed budgets together here, but you will need to define, at a high level, the investments and funding necessary to support your vision. Let's explore four key principles. The first, ensure finding supports, not drives strategy. This is inherently a part of the step-by-step process we're exploring. Budgeting should happen after you establish a vision, shape the customer access strategy and address the big three. People, processes, and technology. It's only then that you'll have an understanding of the funding requirements. You can always go back and revisit prior steps. But, the mistake too many organizations make is to define budget before they even develop their strategy. That's putting the car before the horse. A second important principle is to ensure that your organization makes all funding decisions in context. Jet Blue is…
