From the course: Data Visualization with Canva and Flourish

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Adding interactivity to charts

Adding interactivity to charts


- [Instructor] Most of us are used to seeing static charts in presentations, textbooks, and websites. However, with the emergence of tools like Flourish and Canva, we're able to add interactivity and bring our charts to life. In this lesson, you're going to learn how to create the so-called bar chart race and also explore its configuration. Firstly, scroll to the bar chart race and select the images with captions option. In the preview, you'll immediately notice how the chart begins to take you through the years and the values for each country keep moving around, surpassing each other. On the bottom part of the chart, you would see a play button and a little ticker on the timeline. This is where you or your audience can go forward or backward in time if you want to revisit a specific segment. You might have also noticed captions popping up on the screen with extra information about the changes. They're a great addition…
