From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Achieving proportion by scaling objects

Achieving proportion by scaling objects

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Achieving proportion by scaling objects


- [Instructor] Proportion is one of those principles of design that makes logical sense when you think about it. Proportional elements can bring a sense of balance, emphasis, and harmony to a design, as well as clue viewers into a design so they know which items are more important than others are. In web design, we can define proportion as the visual relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, number, or degree. Another way to think of proportion is as tiered dominance where elements relate to each other in a way that creates a sense of hierarchy and order. In fact, we can say that proportion really goes hand in hand with the principles of emphasis and unity. For instance, to achieve proportion while adding emphasis, you can apply dominance to the shape, size, color, order, or direction of one or more elements in your design. So let's now explore some ways that you can achieve proportion by scaling objects and text. First, with text, as you may have seen in an…
