From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Adding scrolling and animation

Adding scrolling and animation


- [Voiceover] The sixth principle of design we'll explore is movement. There are several ways to add a sense of movement to a web layout including working with line and shape. In this lesson however, we'll concentrate on adding movement with various scrolling and animation effects. In graphic design, we can say that the principle of movement refers to the suggestion of action or direction, since nearly all graphic design is two-dimensional. On the web however, we can work with both implied, and actual movement. For instance, movement can be the invisible path that our eyes follow across a design. Or, it could be the illusion of motion that happens when a design or illustration includes static elements such as horizontal, vertical, curved or diagonal direction lines. The same thing happens with angled and curved shapes, or even a rotated object. In fact, even illustrations and photographs can imply movement. However, motion need not always be implied, it can also happen in a web design…
