From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Applying font styles to show emphasis

Applying font styles to show emphasis

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Applying font styles to show emphasis


- [Instructor] The second of the 10 principles of design is emphasis. What exactly does emphasis mean? Merriam-Webster defines emphasis as force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something. Okay, so what exactly (chuckles) does emphasis mean? In plain English and with regard to web design, emphasis occurs when attention is focused on a single area within a design, to assist the viewer in understanding visually that this particular area is more important than other areas. Okay, so we need to find a way to show the viewer what's most important in our design. Certainly, we can easily accomplish this with size and placement of certain key elements, like a set of large photos, or one big rotating banner. But what about text? How do we teach web visitors what they should and should not focus on when they come to a new website? The answer is simple, using harmonious hierarchical font styles, or what some designers call typographic hierarchy. This term…
