From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Balance: Editing images for social media

Balance: Editing images for social media

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Balance: Editing images for social media


- [Narrator] Balance can be applied to web design by paying special attention to the alignment, distribution and placement of the various shapes, colors and different sized objects in your design. Balance occurs in a design when the elements as a whole have a feeling of equality of weight, attention or attraction. The same principle applies to creating the social media graphics. For a business to project a unified brand or image to visitors, they must have a strong profile pic or avatar, and an equally interesting header graphic which is sometimes called a banner or a cover image. For the profile picture, using balance is pretty straightforward. Most often the profile image will be a centered company logo or a mascot or a similar branded graphic. If the business is a sole proprietorship, an LLC or some other small business entity, a photo of the business owner or a key spokesperson is also common practice. Try not to use some random picture or clip art, a quote that's too small to…
