From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Challenge: The designer's role

Challenge: The designer's role


(electronic rushing music) - [Instructor] Now that you've had a chance to explore key issues concerning The Designer's Role and the Web Design Workflow, let's give you a challenge. I'm going to give you a scenario and an opportunity to reason through to a solution. Let's say you have a client, who has provided you with some, but not all, of the content for a new website. Of necessity, to keep the project on schedule, you've used greeking text in your layout, which the client has already approved. Unfortunately, you now have the final content, but it doesn't fit neatly into your layout. What's more, your client is suddenly asking you to change the color palette for the entire design, based on the CEO's preferences, even though you know from your research that it would not be a good fit, given their target audience. Your challenge is to consider a workable solution, to the following three questions: First, What's the best way to communicate your concerns with your client? Will you give…
