From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Challenge: Type over video

Challenge: Type over video


- [Instructor] Attention to the principles and elements of design can help you improve any design project. In the chapter on web design industry and trends, you saw examples of the principles and elements at work such as emphasis, balance, form, and movement. In this challenge you'll get to put your new skills to work by placing some text over video. Here's a screenshot of that same video in Photoshop. Many designers prefer to work in a static mockup to get the design right before coding into HTML and CSS. As you can see, this text block has no formatting whatsoever and is clearly not readable or legible over this image. What five things would you change to make it better? Take a few minutes to consider your design improvements to this block of text and when you're ready, watch the solution video where I'll show you how I tackled this design.
