From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Color: Theory and trends

Color: Theory and trends


- [Instructor] Good design can cash in on color trends but great design uses the colors that are right for a project, regardless of what everyone else is doing. In this lesson, we'll briefly examine color theory and color trends, and discover a few ways to effectively select a suitable working color palette for a web project. Each year, color houses like Pantone and CSI Color release their predictions for color of the year along with seasonal colors used by industries like fashion and interior design. Many web and graphic designers also take cues from these predictions, which accounts for the recent flood of designs using mint and salmon, bordeaux and teal, pale blue and pink, purple to orange gradients, and retro 80s pastels and neon. So how do you choose the right colors for a job? Here are some suggestions. First, see what the competition is doing. Second, consider the identity or image of the company, product, or service you're designing for. Third, determine the aesthetic color…
