From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Form: Moving beyond flat design

Form: Moving beyond flat design


- In this lesson we'll examine the element of form and how it relates to flat design. Influenced by Swiss design and mid-century minimalism the trend of flat app and web design began in the early to mid-2000s, became mainstream in the early 2010s and is now in the process of transforming into something new, though no one really seems to know yet what exactly that new is. Key features of flat design include flat color, flat color with shading, minimalism, stripped down icons and lots of white space used with sans-serif and slab serif fonts. What you won't see with flat design are any features that look 3-D like photo-realism, gradients, bevels, and textures. While it's highly usable due to it's simplicity and great from a functionality perspective for UI elements, as a trend, it's overstayed it's welcome and the design world is well overdue for something new. So the question is, if not flat design, what? Where do we go from here? For the answer, I propose we consider good design. Good…
