From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Research: Form follows function

Research: Form follows function


- [Instructor] Design without research is like decorating a room without knowing what the room will be used for, or the kinds of people who will use it. It's just not practical, and it's a huge waste of time and resources. Ever heard the phrase form follows function? The idea behind it is that how something looks should be informed by what it is used for. The term comes from the field of architecture in the twentieth century, but it's long been co-opted by other fields, like graphic design, interior design, and industrial design to name a few. Before a web designer even begins working on a concept, he or she should surely research the client's business, their target audience, and their competition, along with exploring and understanding the project's goals. Only then should the designer attempt to create a moodboard, or get to work creating a wireframe, a prototype, or a mockup for the design. All of the aesthetic decisions should support the project's goals in some unique and…
