From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Responsibility: Understanding the designer’s role

Responsibility: Understanding the designer’s role

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Responsibility: Understanding the designer’s role


- [Narrator] Designers often take on several roles in the web development process. For instance, while freelancers often do more UX and development along with design and business duties, designers at larger companies might have fewer responsibilities such as only focusing on creating web mock ups from another team's wire frames before handing the design files over to a group of developers who then build the site. Regardless of where your job fits into the hierarchy of web development, there are certain functions and responsibilities that all successful web designers share. Here are six key concerns of successful web designers, which we'll explore in more detail. First, we'll talk about project goals and aesthetics. Each web project will have a set of goals which help the designer make aesthetic decisions including choosing colors, fonts, textures and patterns. They can also give the designer cues for the visual organization and layout of the content, so that it's most accessible and…
