From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Setting boundaries with lines

Setting boundaries with lines


- [Instructor] The seventh of the eight elements of design is line. In design, line can be used in a variety of ways. Not only can you use line to define and enhance the shapes within your layout, but you can also use line to set boundaries between objects within a page. In the world of art and design, line refers to any actual or implied mark, path, mass, or edge which defines position and/or direction within the design. Lines can be created with a pen, pencil, brush, crayon, or any other mark making tool, including digital tools that you will find in programs like Photoshop, and Illustrator. Lines can be created in nearly any shape or size. For instance, they can be thick, they can be thin, long, short, smooth, rough, hard-edged, soft, curvy, straight, solid, dashed, and dotted. Lines can be formed by the edge where two shapes meet, like on this web design, where the dark rectangle shape defines the header, and separates the header from the area below, But, lines need not be…
