From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Solution: The designer's role

Solution: The designer's role


- [Instructor] With every web project you should expect the unexpected. Clients will occasionally ask for changes in the middle of a project even though those changes fall outside the scope of work and approval has already been granted. In addition, when designing with dummy text there may be layout issues when the final copy is submitted for use. In our challenge scenario the client has provided content that doesn't fit the already approved layout and they've asked for color changes based on their own personal preferences. You are asked to consider and propose a workable solution to the following three questions. What's the best way to communicate your concerns? What will you say about the content not fitting the layout? And what will you say about the request to change colors? What did you come up with? Here's how I'd handle it. First it's always preferable to deliver information in person. That said we live in a digital age where location is no longer a barrier between employer and…
