From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Solution: Type over video

Solution: Type over video


- [Narrator] What five changes did you make to improve the type over this video? Here's what I did. First, I added a dark blue background with 85% alpha transparency behind the type. Next, I set the type in white using Hucklebuck JF for the Heading 1 and Clarendon Text Pro Regular for paragraphs. I then created form fields using a neutral base for the background, and gray for the hint label text in each field. Then I set the disclaimer text in Roboto Regular. And lastly, I added a big, easy-to-click button for sign up using a red that matches the company logo and Roboto Bold for the text. This is just one possible solution to a design puzzle of this type. Remember, as the designer, it's your job to ensure that the copy is readable and legible no matter what is shown behind it.
