From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Typography: Choosing and using web fonts

Typography: Choosing and using web fonts

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Typography: Choosing and using web fonts


- [Instructor] Typography for the web was very limited to a handful of fonts, until around 2009/2010, when subscription-based TypeKit and free Google fonts came onto the scene. To make the most of your web typography knowledge, we will examine the differences between web-safe fonts and web fonts, explore the web fonts online, and discuss strategies for successful font pairings. Let's start with going over the differences between web-safe fonts and web fonts. Web-safe fonts must be cross-platform, which means they need to be already installed on a visitors device, such as a computer, tablet, or smart phone, and since there are different fonts installed on Macs and on Pcs, the list of web-safe fonts is actually rather small. Since there is no guarantee if a website visitor will have a particular web-safe font already installed on their device, most web-safe fonts are specified in CSS as part of a font set. Font sets ensure that unavailable fonts have a specified fall back. For example…
