From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Understanding the principles of design

Understanding the principles of design

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Understanding the principles of design


- [Presenter] To reiterate what you learned in chapter two, the elements and principles of design are concepts that are often taught in design school to help students create more considered and compelling designs. Both should be used to guide the designer in making aesthetic decisions that can result in more unique designs with distinctive areas of interest. Think of the elements of design as the basic components involved with creating any design, and the principles of design as the rules of design. In other words, the principles are the rules you should follow, and elements are the things that will help you follow those rules for the best outcome. This means that if the principles of design are like the laws or rules of design, then to have a good design, you should consider each of these principles carefully. Even if you end up ignoring them deliberately, or going against them completely. Let's take a look at the list of the principles of design. Like the elements of design, there…
