From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Using border styles to add rhythm

Using border styles to add rhythm

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Using border styles to add rhythm


- [Instructor] The next principle of design we will explore is Rhythm and repetition, which has to do with how objects are placed within a web layout and the overall flow of your design. Rhythm and repetition occurs when one or more elements in a design are repeated often enough to create a visual rhythm. When considering this principle, it might be helpful to think of it in terms of music. For instance, you might have a bassline and a melody each having its own distinct beat and flow. Similarly in design, there can be an underlying structure paired with free-flowing design elements. At its core, rhythm and repetition helps to establish visual interest in a design and it often happens naturally when you repeat similar elements either regularly or irregularly within your layout. Rhythm can be regular with even intervals flowing like a series of geometric or organic shapes, or it can be progressive where the elements grow or shrink in some way such as size, position or color. In fact…
