From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Using color to set the site’s mood

Using color to set the site’s mood

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Using color to set the site’s mood


- [Instructor] The first of the eight elements that we'll explore is color. In graphic and web design, we really must consider the colors used in a design to set the right mood and to convey a deliberate feel or emotion that supports the information within the design. Before we get too far into the concept of choosing colors to set a mood, let's take a look at the color wheel for a quick review of color. The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. And the three secondary colors are orange, green, and violet. The secondary colors are created by combining two adjacent primary colors. So for example, yellow and red equals orange. Yellow and blue equals green. And blue and red equal violet. Now, if you combine a primary color with a secondary color, you get what's called a tertiary color. For instance, yellow and green create yellow-green. And violet plus red create violet-red. So here's a good design question for you. What happens when you add white to a color? Well, you get…
