From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Using contrast to set areas of interest

Using contrast to set areas of interest

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Using contrast to set areas of interest


- [Instructor] The first of the ten principles of design we'll examine is contrast. If you think about what the word contrast means, comparing two or more things and noticing their differences, you get a rough idea of how it can be used in terms of design, to create visual areas of interest. In formal terms, contrast is the juxtaposition of opposing elements by way of using different colors, tones, directions, lines, shapes, et cetera to show emphasis. Creating contrast is a skill that often develops over time. However, you can jump start your own use of it by paying attention to your site's content, and deciding in advance the relative importance of each element in your design. Which parts should be highlighted, logo, header, navigation, banner, side bar, news item, side bar, featured items, article, search bar, gallery, footer? No two sites are the same. And every client will have specific needs. If you know in advance which areas need contrast, this can help inform and improve your…
