From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

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Using hyperlink styles to create unity

Using hyperlink styles to create unity

From the course: Design Aesthetics for the Web

Using hyperlink styles to create unity


- [Instructor] The next principle of design we will examine is unity, or what some people refer to as harmony. In web design, you can achieve unity through a pleasing balance of the elements of design, like color, form, shape, and space. Another great way to keep the design cohesive and promote unity is to customize your hyperlink styles with Cascading Style Sheets. Simply put, unity refers to the pleasing arrangement of all the parts within a composition. In design, we're often trying to communicate some kind of idea, promote a brand, or evoke a feeling. So in terms of design, you can think of unity as the relationship between the individual parts and the whole of the design, used creatively to express a particular idea or emotion. When a design is not unified or harmonious, it's pretty obvious because the design can seem either boring or too busy. And bland design is not engaging. Even worse, chaotic design is often so disorganized and unharmonious that the human brain rejects it…
