From the course: Electrical Systems: Panel Boards, Frequency Drives, and Transformers

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- [Instructor] A switchboard is similar to a panelboard or load center in the respect that it takes a larger feeder and breaks it down into smaller circuits. In some cases, the smaller circuits are circuits feeding panelboards or load centers. Some feed larger utilization loads, such as HVAC loads, motors or other large equipment. Switchboards are larger than panelboards and sometimes freestanding. The branch overcurrent devices are either circuit breakers or switch units that have fuses inside of them. Switchboards may have a main device to disconnect the power, either a mechanical disconnect style switch or a main circuit breaker. Occasionally, switchboards may have more than one incoming power source to provide redundancy to critical power loads. Switchboards can also have specialized equipment in them that monitor and control loads that they serve. Power monitors and meters help the owner and operator know the amount of electricity they are using. Switchboards may also be made up…
