From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

Define well-being for your organisation


- The "Oxford Dictionary" defines wellbeing as the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. That's a very ambitious state of being considering that each person has their own idea of what makes them happy and healthy. Some people find happiness in material value, others like spending time with their family, and again others just want to be physically healthy and free of stress. Because this is different for everyone, you must assume that the definition of wellbeing is subjective and individual. So how can wellbeing be generalized for an entire organization which is made up of hundreds or thousands of employees when it's subjective? You need to establish a common definition for wellbeing in your workplace. It's up to your company to set a standard that is relevant and shared by your employees. You want to be able to walk around the workplace and ask 10 different people what wellbeing means to them and get the same answer. To create a shared definition of wellbeing, you need to link in with your company's strategy and your values. Aligning to your company strategy and values is crucial to integrate the wellbeing program. For example, if you work in the construction industry, you probably put a lot of emphasis on getting the job done without having any injuries. And you might have the company value that states that you want to deliver quality structures. So your shared definition of wellbeing could be, wellbeing is the presence of physical health and the mindset to deliver quality constructions. If you work in customer service, your strategy may be to double sales over the next three years, and your values may include delivering exceptional customer service. Your shared definition of wellbeing in such a context could be, wellbeing is the psychological resilience and motivation to deliver exceptional customer service in a high-growth environment. Make your wellbeing definition relevant to your unique purpose and circumstances. So to get you started, answer the following questions. What I your company strategy trying to achieve? What do your company values say about how you will achieve this? And what is going to drive this: employee health, or happiness, or both? I encourage you to define wellbeing in your company in a way that is relevant and shared by your employees.
